Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Milford Track started it all

It all started with the Milford Track some 40 years ago.

Mum was an adventurous type having skied on Mt Ruapehu in the 1950's. I recall her stories of taking a day to drive on rutted metal roads from Wellington, swimming in the crater lake at Mt Ruapehu and being invited to be a member of the Victoria University Ski Team ... she claims because she was "one of the only females that could ski".

Mum was also a keen tramper and when I was 11 the family walked the Milford Track.

It rained so hard the group got stuck in between two rivers unable to go forward or backward. Eventually the guides got us back to the hut where we started and we had to "double bunk" as the next group were now also at the hut.

I have distinct memories of huddling in a small corrugated shelter on Mackinnon Pass with rain pelting down and raging winds whistling through the straining wires which held the roof on.

Yeeha, I was hooked !

So just a few months ago I repeated the cycle and walked the Milford Track with my family.

The Bloomfields at Sandfly Point - November 2012

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